Monday, October 1, 2007

Monday, October 1st

So, the scenario I left you in is when we were all tied up together on the ice. It took me approximately 65 minutes to get the others to notice me. After I realized I couldn't yell, I knew I would have to find something to propell at them, but what?

Like an idiot, I laid there for an hour. Then, I realized I could take off my shoe using my foot and fling it at the others, given they aren't too far down the ice. It took 7 tries to get my shoe off. It was a bad day for me not to wear socks. As soon as my foot touched the ice, it was stuck there.

I miraculously balanced the shoe on the end of my foot. Gathering the little strenght left in me, I threw the shoe with my foot as far as I possibly could. Those 3 seconds were the longest in my life. Would it hit one of them? Did I overestimate their distance? Underestimate?

To my joy, I heard Sean remark that something had hit him in the head. "That's odd," Olivia pointed out. "I know this sounds weird, but it felt like a shoe," explained Sean.

Yes! Maybe they would figure it out. Realize someone was being held captive with them. Then, Chase went and said this.

"Well, we've been stuck in here for days. I keep imagining that the ice tastes like a junior whopper. Who knows, it could be a figment of your imagination."



f3nt00zl3r said...

hahaha. oh my gosh kaitlyn. thats hilarious. now we have a common factor in our is a hungry idot!!!! hahahaha. sorry chase you know i'm just kidding :)



Chase Todd said...

correction, hungry idiot who must like Burger King ALOT.
And how did I go from smart to suddenly stupid. DOH!

disconeverdies said...

well, i just changed my mind on how i wanted you portrayed. oh, and guess what. i'm getting glasses!!! the thick black ones!!!!

f3nt00zl3r said...

wait. how do you want him portrayed? i'm confuzzled. :( haha. wow. kaitlyn i think i'm a blonde hahahaha.


disconeverdies said...

he's like us. he's smart, but he has his moments.

f3nt00zl3r said...

ohh. mah get it man, mah get it. haha. i'm a jamacan!!! oh wait, mrs. lewis will beat my butt for that. haha. i'm not jamacan anymore :)


Chase Todd said...

nice olivia

disconeverdies said...

oh my gosh. you're retarded. yea, you're right. you would get in trouble!

f3nt00zl3r said...

haha. i know. i got in trouble today by her for running down the hallways. haha.


disconeverdies said...

yea, but she was laughing about it. when she's serious, you can tell.

f3nt00zl3r said...

oh yea i know. :)


disconeverdies said...

good, just making sure.

Chase Todd said...

I am like totally out of this conversation.

disconeverdies said...

i think i already checked it out, but i'll look again to make sure.